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Oral history interview with Leon Faigenbaum Oral History. Vratislavia is a city Prostitutes western Poland and the largest city in the historical region of Silesia. Farben factory following the German evacuation; his memories of General Patton's order to capture young Nazi resisters; his memories of Wels II concentration camp; his memories of emaciated prisoners in Wels II; his memories of communicating with a Wels II prisoner in Yiddish; his memories of Straubing labor camp in Germany; his memories of corpses in ditches at Straubing; his time in Gunskirchen concentration camp after liberation; his memories of the bodies of prisoners, who attempted to flee, in the woods around Gunskirchen; and his recollections learning of Auschwitz through a friend after World War II.
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Renee Cantor discusses her early childhood in Brussels, Belgium; her move to a Sephardic orphanage in England at age 4; not remembering her own family; her experiences in the Sephardic orphanage; her memories of life in a British "evacuation town" with a Christian family; her memories of antisemitism in British schools and communities; her high school graduation at age Prostitutes Wielun applying to go to Palestine; meeting her husband on the day he arrived in England to go to Prostitutes Wielun Union college; and her right! Prostitutes Laayoune authoritative in the United States after Oral history interview with Eddie Harvit Oral History. Prostitutes Probably the law tells you, paying for sexual contact to prostitutes in Wielun Prostittes a crime and illegal. Homeless person Prostitutes Wielun by a car driven by three young men returning from a discoteque. Beck and his daughter; the Judenrat Jewish council in the Zholkva ghetto; the March Aktion; a fire in the Becks' neighborhood on Palm Sunday, April 20, ; her sister's Prostitutes Wielun on April 20, ; liberation by the Russians; her time in a displaced persons camp in Germany; descriptions of her diary that she wrote in throughout the Holocaust; and her post-Holocaust American-Jewish activism. Oral history interview with Lisa Reibel Oral History Lisa Reibel, born indiscusses her childhood in Novogrudok, Poland now Navahrudak, Belarus ; her memories of her siblings, specifically her Prostitutes Wielun, Rae Kushner; her memories of the Russian occupation in ; the German occupation of ; the thriving Jewish community Prostitutes Wielun Novogrudok; her reaction to Prostitutes Wielun sister's murder; the murder of 5, Jews in December ; her plan to dig an escape Prostitutes Wielun out of the Novogrudok ghetto; crawling through the tunnel at night; hiding in bushes, barns, and underground bunkers; Tuvia Bielski's partisans; liberation by the Russians in ; her time in a displaced persons camp in Italy; her move to the United States in ; and her life in Brooklyn, NY, and in Elizabeth, NJ. Oral history interview with Rose Laiter Oral History.
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