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‘You make money by finding men’: DR Congo’s gold rush sex trade

Girls such as Vanessa and Naomie must deal with gangs who offer them "protection" in return for a cut of their earnings.

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She fell pregnant and now has a one-year-old son, whom she struggles to support.

Christophe Diakonda, a police commander at nearby Sonapangu station, said that officers frequently arrested such gang members - known as "Kuluna" - but needed more support from the government to tackle the issue of young girls in the sex trade.

Corrupt officials at checkpoints often demand extra, unofficial levies from anyone who is visibly carrying gold, say local traders.

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People first started digging in Luhihi in , but when deposits seemed to dry up, most went elsewhere.

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Coronavirus fallout traps more Congolese girls in sex work

With Dozens of arrests and public trials: Kinshasa the capital of the DR Congo is currently in the midst of a massive operation against. Deborah, who is 17, works as a prostitute in Luhihi, a town on the edge of a gold mine in South Kivu in eastern Democratic Republic of the.

As she got older, they told her that they could no longer afford to look after her, so she approached another family.

Her bed is a slab of plywood with a single, grubby sheet draped over it. Faced with few alternatives in an impoverished region, ravaged by insecurity, they sell their bodies to put food on the table.
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In Kinshasa all women who earn their living by liaisons with men are known as femmes libres—'free women'. In Kinshasa as in many societies prostitutes are. To put it more bluntly, prostitutes are frequently found at Kinshasa clubs. This is true of the small clubs as well as the larger ones.

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They dug tunnels, some as deep as 30 metres, into the hillside. Newsletter sign up:. Retrieved Prostitutes Kinshasa July She would help clean their house in exchange for a place to sleep and some food. An NGO reported some families send their children to Kinshasa, after being promised educational opportunities for the children; however, upon arrival, the children are subjected to sex trafficking. States with limited recognition. Faced with few alternatives in an impoverished Prostitutes Kinshasa, ravaged by insecurity, they sell their bodies to put food on the table.