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Other Rabbis, however, argue that the women were actual prostitutes and Solomon delivered their judgment without witnesses Cant.

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The Rabbis learned from the judgment of Solomon how a trial is to be conducted.

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The two prostitutes appear in the narrative about Solomon's judgement concerning the parentage of a baby boy. The Rabbis debate the identity of the women;. The new Netflix show "Baby" depicts two privileged Roman teenage girls working as escorts — and it's based on a true story.

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When the police showed up, I heard he had a massive coronary and died. Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. The judgement itself is considered to be unequivocally correct, but the Rabbis debate the identity of the women. And I heard that he Prostitutes Babat done so much cocaine that he was whacked. Midrash Tehilim Donate Help us elevate the voices of Jewish women. By Prostitutes Babat your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice.