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Iran unrest: Women burn headscarves at anti-hijab protests

Kazemi's action was met with widespread approval on social media with many praising her courage amid a wave of unrest sparked by the death in September of Mahsa Amini while in custody after being detained by police for allegedly wearing her head scarf improperly.

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Iran's headscarf video sparks mixed reaction.

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The court also referred to a video in which a person sets fire to a Koran.

For the first time in decades, Iran was not represented by its foreign minister at the annual Munich Security Conference.

A local police official described Rigi's death as the result of an "arbitrary act" in which the police had no role.

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She then threw her headscarf on the stage and left.

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Protesting students have chanted "Woman, life, freedom" and "Death to the dictator" at the rallies.

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That crackdown has included a stifling of independent journalists and information sources that have tried to report on events in Iran. Officers have the power to stop women and assess whether they are showing too much hair; their trousers and overcoats are too short or close-fitting; or they are wearing too much make-up. What Prostitutes Piranshahr Watching Prostitutes Piranshahr national currency, the rial, plummeted to a new record low ofagainst the U. Iran denied the Prostitutes Piranshahr. Congress punts decision on draft registration into or The publication of some of Madani's books has been banned in Iran.