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Trafficking women for prostitution became a problem in Benin City in the mids when free-market economic reforms led to massive job losses. Some commercial sex workers in Edo state were Friday stranded after brothel owners in Benin City, the state capital, evicted them as part of measures to.

Retrieved 27 February

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The pact is usually religiously sealed Prostitutes Benin City an ohen, a priest of the indigenuous religious traditions. A survey conducted in the cities of Cotonou in southern Benin and Malanville in northern Benin indicated that girls are subjected to sexual exploitationincluding potential sex trafficking, in these two cities.

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Prostitution, une ville de trafic à Benin City

The fact that these evils have persisted after return to democratic rule in has been a great disillusionment to many Nigerians, thousands of whom have sought asylum in Europe.

As in the rest of Nigeria,.

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HIV , [5] sex trafficking and child sex tourism are problems in the country.

Therefore, it is vital to understand the social and cultural context of trafficking while recognizing that the most intriguing aspects of this context, as in the Nigerian case, are not necessarily the ones that can best explain it. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website.
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In the present study, information on the sexual networking of market women in Benin City, Nigeria, was obtained using a questionnaire instrument. The. Tragically, Benin City is one place where ugly and offensive prostitution practice is exalted to abominable level, where married couples agreed.

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Any children born from these liaisons take Prostitutes Benin City dead husband's name. The religious and legal sanctioning of the pact between the two parties, as well as prospects for a better situation when the indentured prostitution ends, give the majority of victims a strong motivation to comply. This tactic makes investigations more difficult. Feb 25 polls: Security performed well, article source observer group. The department of Oueme in southeast Benin was reportedly a primary area of recruitment for child Prostitutes Benin City victims subsequently exploited in the Republic of the Congo. The fact that the debt does not last forever may convince victims that adhering to the pact is their best option. Le Monde.